Lisa Ede Innovative Instructor Grant

Professor Lisa Ede

Professor Lisa Ede

Apply for the Lisa Ede Innovative Instructor Grant

In years past, in recognition of Lisa Ede's leadership, continued inspiration, and contributions to outstanding teaching throughout our region, TYCA-Pacific Northwest has recognized two-year college teachers in our region who exemplify innovation and creativity in the teaching of English, who have demonstrated outstanding teaching strategies that motivate students to excellence, and/or who have made a contribution to the field of English instruction at the two-year college level through professional development, publications, or service.

In recognition of Professor Lisa Ede's leadership, continued inspiration, and contributions to outstanding teaching throughout our region, we will be awarding two individual classroom or research grants of $500 each. These grants support students’ enriched experiences in the composition classroom and/or foster new pedagogical approaches to the teaching of composition via research and faculty collaboration.

We are open to a range of requests for funding such as bringing in an outside speaker (for a class or a department),  allowing students to attend a performance, funding research opportunities, providing stipends to students for participating in formal feedback sessions or panels. 

The application deadline is September 25, 2025. Winners will be announced at the TYCA-PNW conference in October. Applications will be approved by committee members from the TYCA-PNW Regional Executive Committee.